Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Just dropping by..

Hello! I am in an oddly strange mood today! Im..happy. Its not something surprising, i mean-Im happy all of the time, but today im more happy than usual.
I was checking my stats today, and I've got majority of my views from the Australians! Ive always wanted to go visit Australia, I love the Aussie Accent!  (Sorry if that came out offending...I didnt want it to be >.< ) Well thank you to my fellow Australians, your views are much loved and appreciated, ♥
Would you guys be mad at me if I moved my blog over to I like the setup better...I will let you know later.
The summer has definitely snuck its way into the world. "Hello, Summer, where have you been all of my life!?" I live for the summer days of when I wake up earlier than everyone else, eat breakfast in peace, then sneak off into the pool. (Yes, its already warm, one of the advantages of the warm summer nights and mornings)
I am going to Las Vegas in two weeks to spend some time with my Aunt, Grandfather, and cousins. Its also going to be a summer to look forward to, because my best friend is coming out from Texas to visit for a month. She is very talented. She can draw, act, sing, model, and shes great at math. I am so grateful to have her in my life.
Sorry for the long post...i know you guys like them short and sweet >.< But there was just so much to say.
Thank you all for reading my posts, I LOVE YOU ALL♥
P.s. Is the background making it hard to read the text? Please comment and let me know, I would like to satisfy you all, in any way I could.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Fear of love? =Philophobia

Aaah!  I just realized i spelled epiphany wrong in my last post. I feel...very human ☺. Once you make a mistake, youre supposed to learn from it. That takes me to the topic of love. You will make a mistake, and you will vow to learn from it, but you always find yourself in another toxic relationship.
Now theres someone who decided to speak up, and shes (Im hoping ☺) not afraid to open up and say: HEY! IM A PHILOPHOBIC AND IM PROUD! Okay, i dont know if shes proud, but you get the idea.
I believe this girl has some talent. Check out her blog. Do her a favor. ☺ Heck, do ME  a favor! Comment! Ive only had 4 veiws since the last post...thats alright. But i think more people should know about my evolution.

(Like my new ending title thingy?! Love&Light. )


^^Visit it!^^

The fear of love, or falling into love.

Monday, June 13, 2011

A First to Everything

Suddenly, something has come over me. Maybe its been taking effect, but i havent taken time to realize it. I am still not sure what it is...but i am destined to find out. Maybe its a realization, maybe its an apphinay (which is the same thing in a way) but its there, and its taking place.
This blog has been designed to show the small steps of my life, and the slow unraveling of Idina. I have decided to only update the blog once in a while, so I named it: A Month in a Day: The Evolution of Idina.
Heres a few things about me:
My name is Idina (If you havent noticed. :) ) I am figuring out the ways of the world and its people. I am intersted in sharing my life to people and hoping that theyll be inspired in the many ways imaginable. From the way of my writing, you may find that im some 40 year old creeper. Well...youre wrong. Im young. (Im not saying how young). I am a person who wants to share her thoughts and feelings but also wants to keep some dignity. Scratch what i said in the beginning of this paragraph. My real name isnt Idina. See? Fool'd ya. I got it from one of my favorite sing/songwriters and actresses, Idina Menzel.
So this is my blog. If you like it, come back. Tell a friend.
This is the Evolution of Idina.